Early Morning Revelation

Every morning I jump on my kids electric scooter and zip down the street to grab a cup of go-juice at the local coffee shop. 

I used to walk the 1 mile route using the nearby forest therapy trails, but lately I've been feeling pressured to get more done in less time, so I've traded those slow meandering walks for the speed of the scooter.

Here's what's happened since: 

I've felt more harried.

I've feet more disconnected.

I've gained 3 pounds!

These realizations didn't come from any introspection or deep thought on my part.

They came to me the other day as I was scooting back home, cup of java in hand, when I noticed something on the sidewalk. 

Instinctively, I stopped, absorbed what I was looking at, and soon realized what the universe was trying to tell me in that moment...

If the picture doesn't render in your email then you'll have no idea what I'm talking about.

And that's okay.

A little mystery never hurt anyone.

Slow down to speed up, friends. 

