How do I know a job and company are right for me?

Some companies make it easy to identify a mutually beneficial fit. Many others do not.

The best way to determine fit is not easy.

It takes time. Effort. And persistence.

Start by determining your career vision – what is it that you want to accomplish in your next job?

Then determine your career values– what do you need to be successful in your career – Respect? Collaboration? Growth Opportunities? More money?

Finally, determine your non-negotiables – what are you willing to sacrifice vs what can’t you live without? If your dream job is offered to you but it’s not a remote position, is that ok? If you’ll be doing fulfilling work but will make 25% less than you do today as a teacher, will you accept the role?

Only after you have the answers to the above, should you start researching organizations and specific roles to find alignment.