How to Evaluate Your Choice of New Career

How to Evaluate Your Choice of New Career

When considering a career change, it's important to remember that it's normal to experience doubt and uncertainty.

In fact, it's rare to have complete clarity about your career path right from the start.

It's natural to have some initial concerns and to question whether you've made the right decision.

However, if you're consistently being rejected when applying to roles in your chosen industry, or experiencing feelings of unhappiness or dissatisfaction with your new career choice for any reason, it may be worth considering exploring other options.

Here are some steps you can take to evaluate whether you're headed in the right direction with your career transition:


Give it some time.

It's important to allow yourself time to see the fruits of your job search labor before pivoting to a new career path. Give yourself at least 60-days of focused and consistent effort in your targeted job search with your chosen career path before making any major decisions to change course.


Evaluate your job search results.

Take some time to evaluate your job search efforts and outcomes.

Are you getting invited to interviews in your chosen field?

Are you making it to the later stages of the hiring process then being rejected?

Are you truly focusing on targeted job opportunities, or are you spraying and praying – sending your resume to any and all job postings that feel like they could be a fit?

If you’re not achieving the outcomes you desire – interviews and job offers – it may be a sign that this new career path is not the right fit for you and your skill set.


Consider your long-term career goals.

Think about your goals and how your new career path fits into them.

Does your new career choice align with your vision, values, and interests?

Does it offer opportunities for growth and advancement?

More life/work balance?

More autonomy?

A higher salary?

If your new career choice doesn't align with your long-term goals, it may be worth exploring other options.


Seek guidance.

Consider seeking guidance from a career coach, mentor, or other professional who can help you evaluate your career options and determine whether you're headed in the right direction.

Ultimately, there's no set timeline for questioning whether you're on the right path before looking to change career focus.

It's important to listen to your instincts, evaluate your job satisfaction and long-term goals, and seek guidance when needed.

Making a career change is a process, and it's important to be patient and open to new opportunities as they arise.


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Exactly what Michael Conklin said in his post dated Feb 2, 2024:
“Hoping to find a career that is fulfilling and presents increased earning potential.” Couldn’t have said it better myself…

Stacie Ball

Hoping to find a career that is fulfilling and presents increased earning potential.

Michael Conklin

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