A Small Mistake, A Big Lesson in Perspective

August 11, 2024

Sometimes You Have to Go Backward to Move Forward 

This afternoon, I helped my daughter move some bookshelves.  

After carefully navigating two flights of stairs and loading them into my truck, I was eager to get the job done quickly.  

I reversed out of the driveway to save a few seconds and in my haste, I heard a loud "CRUNCH."  

I had crushed the top of the bookshelf against the garage overhang. 

Frustration started to bubble up.

The time and effort we put into moving that bookshelf seemed wasted.

But then, something else caught my attention.  

I heard sirens - four police cars speeding down the street, and I looked up to see the daytime moon hanging in the sky.  

In that moment, everything shifted. 

The sound of those sirens reminded me that somewhere nearby, people were likely facing real challenges, ones far more significant than a broken bookshelf.  

And that rare sight of the moon during the day - it made me realize how vast the world is, how much is happening beyond our immediate concerns. 

It was a powerful reminder that my small mishap was just that, a small mishap.  

There are bigger issues, larger forces at play, and sometimes we need these unexpected moments to help us see beyond our frustrations. 

Mistakes happen.  

We all get upset over minor things.  

But there’s always a bigger picture, a broader perspective that reminds us not to sweat the small stuff. 

As I delivered one intact bookshelf and a valuable lesson to my daughter’s house, I kept this in mind:  

Life's hiccups are just that - small bumps in a much larger journey. 

Let’s focus on what really matters this week. 





If you've been on the fence about joining 16,000+ teachers who have already started their exit using 'The Exit Plan' self-paced digital course, you're not too late. 

Our second cohort launches September 1st, 2024 at $100 off the regular price. 

Secure your spot by replying to this email with the subject line: "I'm Ready" and I'll ensure you're at the front of the line. 

And don't worry - I still have a few spots in September for 1:1 coaching and resumes writing.

Let me know you're interested by replying with the subject line: "Let's work together!" and I'll be in touch within 24-hours. 

Make it a great week, friends.