Meet The Team

Hey, I'm Chris


After 24 years spent building teams and companies across 6 different global industries, where speaking up for the rights of my staff have led me to be laid-off, let go, promoted, and everything in between, I’ve discovered my passion: helping educators transition to rewarding corporate careers.

I’ve worked with countless educators, helping them leverage their unique skills to find roles that offer better work/life balance, respect, and career growth. My practical approach has guided many from burnout to thriving in new industries.

Now, I’m on a mission to help you reclaim your peace of mind and achieve the career you deserve. Click over to our home page to hear from my clients or shoot me an email with your questions at [email protected].

Your next great career starts here.


Start Your Exit Today

Hi, I'm Kelsie


I am not your average educator. I'm a trained education professional who jumped head-first into the corporate world. I have worked with students, educational leaders, and corporate professionals across the career services space. I have a passion for helping current and former teachers find their next fulfilling career. I get so much joy seeing my teacher clients' faces when they land that new job that gets them out of the chaotic environment we call education.

The Exit Plan