The Truth About Resumes

The Truth About Resumes

Each week I get tons of questions about resumes, networking, and tips for transitioning teachers.

As a former educator myself and now a resume writer, I’m here to tell you the truth about resumes.

Never once in my career have I successfully applied for and been offered a job solely based on my resume.


That may come as a shock to you since most of my career has been spent working in education.

The truth is that every job offer I have received would not have come without having first nurtured my network of contacts within each organization of interest.

Having a champion on the working inside each company I targeted helped to accelerate my candidacy, and land me new roles.

Every. Single. Time.

So, here’s the truth about resumes.

Do you need one?

Yes, absolutely you do.

Are they a sure-fire guarantee for career growth?

No. They are not.

You need to be continuously networking, developing your skillset, and updating your resume to reflect your results. Not your experiences or summary of tasks…your results.

This is true for all educators but especially so if you are planning a transition out of the classroom and into the corporate world.

Of course, your resume is just one tool that can help you get the job.

Other things come into play like personality, interview skills, depth of subject knowledge, and technical skillset.

Now, don’t rush out and try to showcase all these things in lengthy paragraphs on your resume.

Remember what I said earlier – your resume is just one tool in your career building toolbox.

A few additional points to consider:

Your resume should be no longer than one page for brevity.

Your bullet points should be results focused, clear, and concise.

You should only include data relevant to the role to which you apply.

Finally – and I cannot stress this last point enough - keep your target reader in mind at all times.

Show them what’s in it for them if they work with you.



Is your resume getting interest but you still can’t land interviews?

We can help with that.

Click here to learn more.


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