Dear Teacher

Dear Teacher

This is a letter to you, from the perspective of how you should be treated, spoken to, acknowledged and loved. 

I hope this letter finds you well but it probably finds you buried amidst a pile of incomplete tasks, stress and every growing responsibilities. 

I wanted to pause and say these things to you today because I know that you may be feeling like you aren’t doing enough. And your environment has caused you to internalize that to the point where you feel like you are not enough.

This is false. 

You are enough.

In fact, you are more than enough. 

Every day you are showing up and doing your best, and if you don’t have “best” in you, you’re still doing what you can. 

You are valuable and important. Your strengths, talents and abilities would blow people away. 

I understand that it can be difficult to shake off feelings of self-doubt, but I want to remind you that you are truly doing the best you can with what you have. 

And that this is not what you signed up for. 

When you became a teacher, you had no idea that you would spend your planning periods subbing for other classes. You had no idea the sense of dread that would fill you when you open your email app at night. You had no idea how many snacks you would buy for your students. 

It's important to remember that you are not alone in feeling this way. These conditions are not what you signed up for. 

As teachers, it is so hard to take care of yourself, both emotionally and physically. Try to treat yourself the way you would treat/ speak to a new teacher. Take that approach of care, patience and encouragement toward your own wellbeing. 

Remember that it's okay to ask for help and support when you need it.

You are not the problem. This is not what you signed up for. I see you; I admire you, and I know the struggle. 

With love and support,

Your kind and compassionate self 


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Please help, I contemplate why am I being set up for failure. l feel defeated before the school year even begins. I’m dreading September. I know this mindset is designed for doom.


sorry- I remembered what I loved about teaching. I taught for several years and then found myself in the situation with a new principal. It was the same situation. I already had my masters degree and decided to get my National Board Certification. That was the best thing I could have done for myself. I found groups of teachers going through the process. I learned so much and was empowered as well as respected as an educator. I retired in 2017. I totally understand that the circumstances are so much different now. But, there are those of us who want to support teachers who are still in the field. I am certified K-12 in art and EAYA-Art National Board Certified Teacher. If any of you are interested in going through National Board certification I urge you to look into it. If you are an art educator I’m here for you.


It breaks my heart to read this letter. I know it rings true for many. I quit education after 3 years of teaching because of an abusive and power hungry principal was terrorizing the teaching staff on his pursuit of his doctorate. Students were not his priority and it was very sad to be one of 11 teachers that resigned from that high school that school year. I was pursued to teach and coach at my Alma mater college. Those educators boosted my self-esteem and m


How true this letter is. I am not going to forget that I am enough. Thank you for writing this letter.☺️

Stella Champ

I needed this affirmation. So often what we do in building a caring, nurturing, and learning community environment is overlooked. Our students do recognize us, but we are otherwise isolated in our journey.

Denise Hoffman

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